Short memo about papers

Paper study
  • D'Amato, A., G. Zilberstein, S. Zilberstein, B.L. Compagnoni, P.G. Righetti. prep. Of mice and men: Traces of life in the death registries of the 1630 plague in Milano. Journal of Proteomics.
*As a social background of the plague epidemic in 1630, Italy, this paper shows that the documents in this year contain contaminants such as human keratins, mouse keratins, and plant tissues, etc.

Starch residue analysis

  • Copeland, L., K. Hardy. 2018. Archaeological starch. Agronomy 8 (4): 1-12. doi:10.3390/agronomy8010004
  • Hutschenreuther, A., J. Watzke, S. Schmidt, T. Büdel, A.G. Henry. 2017. Archaeological implications of the digestion of starches by soil bacteria: Interaction among starches leads to differential preservation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 15: 95-108.
